Why am I here?

After 35+ years working in healthcare with some very amazing physicians that taught me to not only use my training but use my head and to look at things from a whole body perspective, I wanted more! I wanted to utilize natural things to support myself, family, friends and my four legged babies!

I have always been very interested in plants and the "old school" remedies that my granny taught me about and used daily! As I learned more and more about our health and our bodies I began digging deeper. This brought me to where I am today...............having the desire to share what I have learned with others. Soon you will be able to find tinctures as well as other herbal products on my page.

I will also be offering and sharing items to help you in your spiritual practice! I always knew there was a deep desire and mystery within me. A few years ago I discovered that this has a "witchy" component. I have been studying different paths of this for many years now. I love working with the moon and moon phases. It is amazing how our moon signs affect so many things about us. Want to know more, reach out!

NOTE: No statements are intended to portray any products as a cure or treatment for any illness or disease.

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